Vibe A Mins

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life is Heart Beats n’ Breaths

Life is Heart Beats n’ Breaths

A Heart beat = a kiss

A Breath = a child’s smile

A Heart beat = why me?

A Breath = a broken dream

A Heart beat = I see you

A Breath = turning a page

A Heart beat = “what’s on your mind”

A Breath = opening a door

In this moment when Heart Beat n’ Breath repeat n' repeat their requests
Calling out their need for attention and respect

Got caught up in Yesterday’s Heart Beat n’ Breath…

cuz I remembered what “you” did...
“who did?”
“You did!”
"when did"
"the other day did"
"isn't it done did"
"no...It's still on...c'mon don't you get what you did"
"didn't do anything"
"then who did"

Dam…still stuck on Yesterday’s Heart Beat n’ Breath.

Right now Heart Beat n’ Breath
repeat and repeat
New and Fresh

What was missed? 
What’s tomorrow’s Heart Beat n’ Breath…
What will tomorrow’s Heart Beat n’ Breath be for you…

Guess mines was about Yesterdays… so missed Todays…n spent no time or prep for Tomorrows.

In the end…There is THE END…when Heart Beat n’ Breath stop.
N when I add it up…when I add up where was my

mind, spirit, body, n soul 

during Heart Beats n’ Breaths what do I get

1 million Heart Beats n’ Breaths living in the past
1 million Heart Beats n’ Breaths living in the present
1 million Heart Beats n Breaths living for the future

So in the end Will it add up for me?

Is it adding up for YOU?

It’s 11am…Do you know where your Heart Beats n’ Breaths are?

Love Em Now.