Vibe A Mins

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Some Life Love Letters...Act 1

Life from thy Heart.
The heavy of depart.
The heaviest and the lightest
wrap the essence.
No means to shed the chains.
Imbedded. Engraved. Staked.

Offer my flesh,
for the pure and fresh.
Breath of adoration thorough.
To swirl in the WhirlWing of Infatuation.
To glide infinite wide on the Wings of Happiness.

To Love. To Love.
Why withhold Bold.
Dare to fly on
the sounds of love.


Open mind to the spinning light

Slow. Slowly. Slowly,

Soft. Gently. Away in Clouds.

Air and mixed moisture held together by Nature.

Once a pebble. Now a Planet.

Once a flame. Now the Sun.

Once a pond. Now the Ocean

Once none. Now Together.

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