Life from thy Heart.
The heavy of depart.
The heaviest and the lightest
wrap the essence.
No means to shed the chains.
Imbedded. Engraved. Staked.
Offer my flesh,
for the pure and fresh.
Breath of adoration thorough.
To swirl in the WhirlWing of Infatuation.
To glide infinite wide on the Wings of Happiness.
To Love. To Love.
Why withhold Bold.
Dare to fly on
the sounds of love.
Open mind to the spinning light
Slow. Slowly. Slowly,
Soft. Gently. Away in Clouds.
Air and mixed moisture held together by Nature.
Once a pebble. Now a Planet.
Once a flame. Now the Sun.
Once a pond. Now the Ocean
Once none. Now Together.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Let's Spend a Moment in Calm
Good Evening.
Let's find a place in our Hearts.
A resting place we call CALM.
Let's spend time in CALM.
OR We can drift away and feel...
At times, We are presented with strong vibrations
a sound, many voices, a letter, a look, a movement, an attitude, a situation that rubs against Our Mind.
Our Mind becomes the Mind of the Hour. As Hour Mind speaks, we just sit. It becomes the guide and the body just follows...a little tense, a little bent, kinda tight, not too right, a short breath, intense feelings and drama AND...
Take an Inhale and Exhale.
Relax For a Moment.
C'mon, Let's go back to the resting place.
Let's Spend some time in CALM.
Let's find a place in our Hearts.
A resting place we call CALM.
Let's spend time in CALM.
OR We can drift away and feel...
At times, We are presented with strong vibrations
a sound, many voices, a letter, a look, a movement, an attitude, a situation that rubs against Our Mind.
Our Mind becomes the Mind of the Hour. As Hour Mind speaks, we just sit. It becomes the guide and the body just follows...a little tense, a little bent, kinda tight, not too right, a short breath, intense feelings and drama AND...
Take an Inhale and Exhale.
Relax For a Moment.
C'mon, Let's go back to the resting place.
Let's Spend some time in CALM.
The Action and the Way is Up Cathedral Rock.
For every Action there is Way in Life
Today's way took us up Cathedral Rock
where the pulsating earth energies
Open Man and Woman up
to all things.
Open up to Each other
Open up, to what's up inside
at the time of all other times.
The Climb to the top is hard work.
Once up top,
we can see the hidden valley,
breath the tranquil air,
meditate as one, and vibrate.
Share our thoughts and feelings
as the Earth's Energy recalibrates
our Purpose
our Peace
our Togetherness
our Strength
our Thank fullness
our Love
our Destination
our Being
our Choices
our Touch, our Kiss
our Every thing
The Action and the Way was in Sedona, Arizona.
See for yourself when you get there.
Climb Cathedral Rock
to the Top...
and come back home Just Right.
Today's way took us up Cathedral Rock
where the pulsating earth energies
Open Man and Woman up
to all things.
Open up to Each other
Open up, to what's up inside
at the time of all other times.
The Climb to the top is hard work.
Once up top,
we can see the hidden valley,
breath the tranquil air,
meditate as one, and vibrate.
Share our thoughts and feelings
as the Earth's Energy recalibrates
our Purpose
our Peace
our Togetherness
our Strength
our Thank fullness
our Love
our Destination
our Being
our Choices
our Touch, our Kiss
our Every thing
The Action and the Way was in Sedona, Arizona.
See for yourself when you get there.
Climb Cathedral Rock
to the Top...
and come back home Just Right.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunshine Made Way
With the first words
the truth inspired this soul
took to the height of Light
wakened a New sight
in many moments
Sunshine Made Way
across this face
lifted while descending through,
Filling the inner capacity
Yes. An open Door.
An open Door to Happiness, Love
Strength and Reflection.
One time perfection
lay soul in this hand
Growing with nurture.
Sunshine Made Way
Across desert gold
rising hills and sloping valleys
the mystery once again
The story told unfolds into
a brilliant star.
and the sand becomes diamond water.
Sunshine made way
Across the street
stayed the one who smiled
while passing each day
The spirit came
as a halo above
SUNSHINE YOU is all ready here.
Comprised of earth, wind, fire, water
north south east west
Cherish the Buddha's words.
Cherish Jesus' words.
Cherish all good words of all existence.
Cherish all good things.
Love, Strength, Truth.
Yes there is suffering. Recognize. Turn it around.
the truth inspired this soul
took to the height of Light
wakened a New sight
in many moments
Sunshine Made Way
across this face
lifted while descending through,
Filling the inner capacity
Yes. An open Door.
An open Door to Happiness, Love
Strength and Reflection.
One time perfection
lay soul in this hand
Growing with nurture.
Sunshine Made Way
Across desert gold
rising hills and sloping valleys
the mystery once again
The story told unfolds into
a brilliant star.
and the sand becomes diamond water.
Sunshine made way
Across the street
stayed the one who smiled
while passing each day
The spirit came
as a halo above
SUNSHINE YOU is all ready here.
Comprised of earth, wind, fire, water
north south east west
Cherish the Buddha's words.
Cherish Jesus' words.
Cherish all good words of all existence.
Cherish all good things.
Love, Strength, Truth.
Yes there is suffering. Recognize. Turn it around.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thought I Knew What Love Is
Ease easy into my loving ways
float lightly on my breath
feel the red warmth of my heart
Smile softly
eyes clearly
Don't be afraid
it is this Good.
This moment,
indelible in the Now
of all that will be.
No need to reminisce
We are here.
Let's walk
talk about
love or...
Maybe loving.
It's a cool, patient thing
Oh...not that...Well
It's a hot, passionate thing
Oh..not for you
It' a deep, reflective thing
Not yet...Hmmm...Then
It's wide open deep dense green
a thick forest, with tall trees
Oh...I see, not about
A vast golden desert
as far as the eyes can see
the Sun Queen beating on your face
blue sky
breeze high
while you glide
on a magic carpet
past dunes as large
as a mountain
and over an Oasis
with warm clear-blue ponds
surrounded by lush vegetation,
thick, dark green bush,
vines ‘round thick palm trees.
Fruit, fallen from tree, everywhere.
No. I...I thought I knew what love is.
Excuse me?
Oh. Yea. You're right.
I thought I knew what love is.
float lightly on my breath
feel the red warmth of my heart
Smile softly
eyes clearly
Don't be afraid
it is this Good.
This moment,
indelible in the Now
of all that will be.
No need to reminisce
We are here.
Let's walk
talk about
love or...
Maybe loving.
It's a cool, patient thing
Oh...not that...Well
It's a hot, passionate thing
Oh..not for you
It' a deep, reflective thing
Not yet...Hmmm...Then
It's wide open deep dense green
a thick forest, with tall trees
Oh...I see, not about
A vast golden desert
as far as the eyes can see
the Sun Queen beating on your face
blue sky
breeze high
while you glide
on a magic carpet
past dunes as large
as a mountain
and over an Oasis
with warm clear-blue ponds
surrounded by lush vegetation,
thick, dark green bush,
vines ‘round thick palm trees.
Fruit, fallen from tree, everywhere.
No. I...I thought I knew what love is.
Excuse me?
Oh. Yea. You're right.
I thought I knew what love is.
Monday, August 10, 2009
See in Me
Take Your time
And look deep,
look real deep.
Open your self
Inside Out, Inside Out
Open your self
Inside Out, Inside Out
State Your life
Be Control
Walk on Past
Shoulder's Relaxed
Let it be
in the Manner.
Bounce left and right
Have that Day that Settles into Place
Forgot the tickin clock.
Open the gates, knowing
"You Belive in What You See"
Yes You do
Walk that first step, and
Keep that Eye on the Prize
The Light's
Shines the Way.
Your Go on Green Lights,
no stop Light's stop You.
It's the groove
move up & down & vibrate
Like the needle on Wax.
Why this song?
Puts me ahead
in front of What I see
Nothings Behind Me
Just over here.
Thanks for the Eyes' Opener.
A yes Opener for the day.
Take Your time
And look deep,
look real deep.
Open your self
Inside Out, Inside Out
Open your self
Inside Out, Inside Out
State Your life
Be Control
Walk on Past
Shoulder's Relaxed
Let it be
in the Manner.
Bounce left and right
Have that Day that Settles into Place
Forgot the tickin clock.
Open the gates, knowing
"You Belive in What You See"
Yes You do
Walk that first step, and
Keep that Eye on the Prize
The Light's
Shines the Way.
Your Go on Green Lights,
no stop Light's stop You.
It's the groove
move up & down & vibrate
Like the needle on Wax.
Why this song?
Puts me ahead
in front of What I see
Nothings Behind Me
Just over here.
Thanks for the Eyes' Opener.
A yes Opener for the day.
Monday, July 20, 2009
It came one morning
When every moment felt like
Alphabet Soup
Soup : A conglomerate of edible solid ingredients in a liquid; normally a broth. At times thick and chunky, most times light.
So these moments are littered letters in a light broth.
Looking for a word.
A G D H....F H I J J...G R E A L L
This is tougher than thought. It is being real.
Maybe no word is needed.
The moments don't need to spell ANY THING.
It all spells ONE THING.
Wow. So focused on the Soup
forgot about what keeps it together.
The BOWL. The Circle of Life. The shared Cup.
Every Thing is in Every Thing.
All these moments are shared
on the Table of Life.
Taste this one. Yes, I understand.
Taste that one. Yes, It all makes sense.
Taste All One. Yes, It is Now Clear.
Right Now.
This Moment.
Love Alphabet Soup.
See a word....LOVE YOU.
When every moment felt like
Alphabet Soup
Soup : A conglomerate of edible solid ingredients in a liquid; normally a broth. At times thick and chunky, most times light.
So these moments are littered letters in a light broth.
Looking for a word.
A G D H....F H I J J...G R E A L L
This is tougher than thought. It is being real.
Maybe no word is needed.
The moments don't need to spell ANY THING.
It all spells ONE THING.
Wow. So focused on the Soup
forgot about what keeps it together.
The BOWL. The Circle of Life. The shared Cup.
Every Thing is in Every Thing.
All these moments are shared
on the Table of Life.
Taste this one. Yes, I understand.
Taste that one. Yes, It all makes sense.
Taste All One. Yes, It is Now Clear.
Right Now.
This Moment.
Love Alphabet Soup.
See a word....LOVE YOU.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Good Morning Starts....
With the rays of Sun
Shine onto our faces
into our Hearts.
The Day begins with a prayer and a smile. The blessings received from the light of GOD
Through the Window of our Spirit, we are touched by the warmth of Life.
A Life that gives Success, Hope, Happiness, Challenges, Strength & Opportunity.
We will never forget a Good Morning Start.
Shine onto our faces
into our Hearts.
The Day begins with a prayer and a smile. The blessings received from the light of GOD
Through the Window of our Spirit, we are touched by the warmth of Life.
A Life that gives Success, Hope, Happiness, Challenges, Strength & Opportunity.
We will never forget a Good Morning Start.
We will always Keep
In Mind Others
who may not
Start as Right as You.
We will always share our Good Morning
Be Blessed we can.
In Mind Others
who may not
Start as Right as You.
We will always share our Good Morning
Be Blessed we can.
Pleased to bliss
in morning sun
Sweet melodies carry
Through the clear
see green leaves
gently breezed
waving to me.
Hello. A smile content.
AAAhhh. Now comes the fruit incense.
Mystically. Spiritually. Fantastically.
Today chosen
accept the light
sounds and scents
the wind exhales
through the Window
Just walking - Step.
Yes After Step.
Yes After Step.
All is Now.
Including Yesterdays and Tomorrows.
Pleased to bliss
in morning sun
Sweet melodies carry
Through the clear
see green leaves
gently breezed
waving to me.
Hello. A smile content.
AAAhhh. Now comes the fruit incense.
Mystically. Spiritually. Fantastically.
Today chosen
accept the light
sounds and scents
the wind exhales
through the Window
Just walking - Step.
Yes After Step.
Yes After Step.
All is Now.
Including Yesterdays and Tomorrows.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Let It Be You Who Makes Your Day
Walk the day as if all ways your good.
In every face place your gaze and say....
Walk the day and Let it Be You
Who makes your day?
You Do.
In every face place your gaze and say....
Let the Sun shine warmly
upon you.
Let the Rain drops
cleanse you.
Let the Moon light
guide you.
Let the Wind
freshen you.
Let the Earth
revolve you.
Let your family & friends
love you.
Let You Be You
& stand straight & free.
Let all that holds
release you.
Let all Your Blessings
Live in You.
Let these moments in time
add up to the best You can Be.
upon you.
Let the Rain drops
cleanse you.
Let the Moon light
guide you.
Let the Wind
freshen you.
Let the Earth
revolve you.
Let your family & friends
love you.
Let You Be You
& stand straight & free.
Let all that holds
release you.
Let all Your Blessings
Live in You.
Let these moments in time
add up to the best You can Be.
Walk the day and Let it Be You
Who makes your day?
You Do.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Dr. Polite and Mr. Protestor
Daniel Sun is a true being with a cause. You just wouldn't know it. Kinda like a superhero with a public alter ego. Seemingly mild mannered, real polite. Then when injustice strikes, out comes Daniel Sun, a vocal and visual member, fighting for what's right.
Always prepared with a timely quote from a great spiritual master, Daniel Sun turned his light inward and asked....
I AM the GURU. Subject and object have flown, I ALONE remain.
I have stepped into Myself through the open Heart of my Beloved.
I AM THAT...Power of The Trinity...All-Knowing God ...originating Cause of causes existing through temporal relativity yet established in transcendent Bliss.
I AM the Uncreated Creator, the Unseen Seer, the Unmoved Mover, the Equator of Existence, Death's Dirge, THAT which seeks and is found.
I AM indestructible, untouchable, unapproachable, inconceivable unfathomable, Luminous.
I unfold my-Self in mega-cosmic rose gardens of exploding universes, and reveal mySelf in the silence between thoughts.
I AM galactic fields of radiant-exploding suns, congealing from the waters of essence, vast systems of consciousness; fruit laden, blossoming planets, arrayed in phantasmagoric splendor, delicately and effortlessly sustained, mindfully evolved, spinning in infinite and receding into the lap of My nothingness once more.
I AM the darkness and the light, the source and the goal, the journey and the destination.
I am an unseen Sun, yet I blind creation with the brilliant demonstration of my attributes.
My truth can never be spoken, my face can never be seen.
I live in your own heart and I speak to you in your dreams.
You can't escape me, my Love is your life.
You are a feather blown about on the Breath of My Grace ...and We are together always.
By Daniel S.
Always prepared with a timely quote from a great spiritual master, Daniel Sun turned his light inward and asked....
I AM the GURU. Subject and object have flown, I ALONE remain.
I have stepped into Myself through the open Heart of my Beloved.
I AM THAT...Power of The Trinity...All-Knowing God ...originating Cause of causes existing through temporal relativity yet established in transcendent Bliss.
I AM the Uncreated Creator, the Unseen Seer, the Unmoved Mover, the Equator of Existence, Death's Dirge, THAT which seeks and is found.
I AM indestructible, untouchable, unapproachable, inconceivable unfathomable, Luminous.
I unfold my-Self in mega-cosmic rose gardens of exploding universes, and reveal mySelf in the silence between thoughts.
I AM galactic fields of radiant-exploding suns, congealing from the waters of essence, vast systems of consciousness; fruit laden, blossoming planets, arrayed in phantasmagoric splendor, delicately and effortlessly sustained, mindfully evolved, spinning in infinite and receding into the lap of My nothingness once more.
I AM the darkness and the light, the source and the goal, the journey and the destination.
I am an unseen Sun, yet I blind creation with the brilliant demonstration of my attributes.
My truth can never be spoken, my face can never be seen.
I live in your own heart and I speak to you in your dreams.
You can't escape me, my Love is your life.
You are a feather blown about on the Breath of My Grace ...and We are together always.
By Daniel S.
How About P's Vibe-A-Mins
My man P Love has always possessed a deep soul. A through and through type guy who could explain the size of inifinite as simply as if expressing his inner feelings. Let me tell you, sometimes it was a little pained, but over all P Love is that deep rooted tree you take notice in the forest. The tree that stands out cause of it's stature and it's branch complexity. You know!! So check out...

I was delerious
trying to find the way
I found myself moving--LIGHT SPEED!
Space was the medium
the quest my vehicle
unnumbered stars shot by me
images became blurred, streaked with all the colors of God
my thoughts, no longer sharp,
yet the deepest conumdrums floated up from their abyss
--the pale gray regions of my psyche--
their secrets shone brightly upon me, warming my face.
I was on my way
I smiled
I knew I was in the right direction
I came upon a planet
blue with a confident aura of misty absolution
the atmosphere burned away all that troubled me
purged my soul
I landed and felt reborn, free
The people found me dancing
took me by surprise
but I did not fear these beings
--nor could I see them--
I just knew they were there, all around me
smothering me in their warmth
Do you know why your soul has brought you here?
I did not know
This place is called truth!
I knew they did not lie
You are here to find the answer--
--why there is so much undone in your life--
--why you think yet do not act--
--why you dream and do not conquer--
--why you love yet do not release--
--why your death you think is the end of nothing--
--why your soul will not stop crying, in the dark--
And I felt their smiles in the cool, blue air
As they lifted me, shot me back to the shell
I opened my eyes again

I was delerious
trying to find the way
I found myself moving--LIGHT SPEED!
Space was the medium
the quest my vehicle
unnumbered stars shot by me
images became blurred, streaked with all the colors of God
my thoughts, no longer sharp,
yet the deepest conumdrums floated up from their abyss
--the pale gray regions of my psyche--
their secrets shone brightly upon me, warming my face.
I was on my way
I smiled
I knew I was in the right direction
I came upon a planet
blue with a confident aura of misty absolution
the atmosphere burned away all that troubled me
purged my soul
I landed and felt reborn, free
The people found me dancing
took me by surprise
but I did not fear these beings
--nor could I see them--
I just knew they were there, all around me
smothering me in their warmth
Do you know why your soul has brought you here?
I did not know
This place is called truth!
I knew they did not lie
You are here to find the answer--
--why there is so much undone in your life--
--why you think yet do not act--
--why you dream and do not conquer--
--why you love yet do not release--
--why your death you think is the end of nothing--
--why your soul will not stop crying, in the dark--
And I felt their smiles in the cool, blue air
As they lifted me, shot me back to the shell
I opened my eyes again
Let's blast off blessings with words inspired by MOM. Love you.
Today is your
SUN day.
The Keeper of Light.
In the Beginning - it was You
Who Awakened the Souls of Earth.
Woman. Gave birth.
volcanic eruption. oh my. molten red lava. Oh my Queen screaming. Oh my Hot sweat. Heavens Flash.
Born. Black. Brown. BEAUTIFUL YES.
Just Moments ago
So warm. Safely in your sea.
Simply floating by your breath.
And NOW.
Bright. Wide.
Glorious. Strong.
This man clear & aligned
Arms spread ready
Yea!! ALL ready to embrace Home.
Over the Blue Ocean.
The bRIGHT reflection
That face. Deep dark Eyes
Your face carried me home.
Today is your SON day.
SUN day.
The Keeper of Light.
In the Beginning - it was You
Who Awakened the Souls of Earth.
Woman. Gave birth.
volcanic eruption. oh my. molten red lava. Oh my Queen screaming. Oh my Hot sweat. Heavens Flash.
Born. Black. Brown. BEAUTIFUL YES.
Just Moments ago
So warm. Safely in your sea.
Simply floating by your breath.
And NOW.
Bright. Wide.
Glorious. Strong.
This man clear & aligned
Arms spread ready
Yea!! ALL ready to embrace Home.
Over the Blue Ocean.
The bRIGHT reflection
That face. Deep dark Eyes
Your face carried me home.
Today is your SON day.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Did You Take Your Vibe-A-Mins?
We are All a hotbed of creative words, phrases, poetry, slangs, ideas. We got ways to say "what's up", and ways to express Real Lo
e. Ways to be Strong.
Most of ALL is the Way We-Create Ways for positive exchanges between people.
Let's display creative expressions by all kinds of people.
On the Net. It's words. It's images. It's videos. It's collaborative.
What should hopefully follow are great postings of...on...aBOUT
REAL good Expressions.
Enjoy. Comments are welcome.

Most of ALL is the Way We-Create Ways for positive exchanges between people.
Let's display creative expressions by all kinds of people.

On the Net. It's words. It's images. It's videos. It's collaborative.
What should hopefully follow are great postings of...on...aBOUT
REAL good Expressions.
Enjoy. Comments are welcome.
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